"Two" Easy


I have a great secret for the most versatile little two ingredient treat ever – Parmesan Crisps. These babies take less than ten minutes to produce from the moment you think:  (a) yikes! company is here and I don’t have any snacks; (b) that salad looks incredibly boring; or (c) I need a treat. If you are dealing with moment (a) you can be very cleaver and pretend that making these last minute is simply part of the entertainment. Heck, get your company to grate the cheese – hands on party games.  The same works for moment (b), my husband feels quite smart when I give him an easy task that involves cheese. Moment (c) you’re on your own. If you’re not hooked yet, check this out, you don’t need measuring cups or spoons and you will have no dirty dishes except maybe a cheese grater. Now we’re talking.  It’s a good reason to always keep a wedge of Parmesan in the fridge. In full disclaimer mode you can use the cheese from the deli counter that is already grated, but it’s just not as good. It’s also possible to use Asagio or Pecorino Romano, but then you’ll have to rename your dish.  Pick your moment and give this recipe a try.


Parmesan Crisps


Grated Parmesan cheese, approximately 1 heaping Tbsp makes one crisp

Paprika for sprinkling crisps (you could use pepper instead)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Grate cheese on the large hole side of a 4-sided box grater onto a piece of wax paper. (Or bowl if you don’t mind a dirty dish)


Use a tablespoon to place cheese in circles onto the baking sheet.

Flatten out mounds with the back of a spoon; making sure circles are about 4 inches apart.

Season with paprika or pepper and bake for 5 to 6 minutes until crisp and starting to brown.

Cool 1 minute before serving.


Out of the Oven

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