Sallie's Kitchen Corner


A Dinner That’s a Winner

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Fridays are my favorite day of the week. The whole weekend is front of you, and it feels like you can finally let your guard down. I was happy to be asked to cook on Channel 5’s Talk of the Town last Friday (Click to View) and equally happy to make easy fun food, perfect for a Super Bowl Party or just a weeknight treat. …

The Darker Side of Haystacks

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Yesterday Richard and I think we invented a cookie…we explored the darker side of Haystacks. I don’t know what to call them, but instead of butterscotch and peanuts we used what was on hand in our snowy world and subbed dark chocolate chips, pistachios, and orange flavored dried cranberries for the usual ingredients. …

A Tale of Two Salads

It’s the coldest day of the year and I realize that most people aren’t writing about salads – but here I go anyway. Call me old fashioned, but I still feel like its a “fancy meal” if a salad is served first. Now you can follow that up with a delicious pot roast or a big hearty bowl of soup, but that first course salad sets the tone for a real dinner. …

Soup and Sweater Weather

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After taking a holiday vacation, I can’t resist coming back to blogging with one of our family favorite cold weather meals, Southwestern Chicken Soup.  Think of this as a sort of a Mexican Minestrone – filled with good things and things that are good for you, plus loaded with spicy Southwestern flavors. …

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