Sallie's Kitchen Corner


Holiday Greens (and Red)


Last week I had tons of fun asking people what they were serving for their Thanksgiving dinner. The answers were marvelous, I could write a book about family food traditions. One friend makes special Thanksgiving tomato aspic as a separate salad course, and another always serves carrot cake for dessert.  …

Going Greek


Sometimes when I can’t decide what to make for dinner I read through my recipe index on the blog. I hope you do that too, recipes are fun to read! It helps me remember dishes we really like, because the rule is if a recipe isn’t absolutely delicious it doesn’t make the blog cut.  …

The Party Pizza as Promised


Right after You’re Grown – Now You Can Cook went to the publisher, a good friend asked me to do a demonstration dinner from the cookbook for her supper club.  That sounded like the most fun thing in the world and it took me about a half second to say yes. …

Take Two...


This is a tale of two pizzas: The Causal Pizza and The Party Pizza. Both are absolutely scrumptious and best of all both are so easy to make. The recipe today is for The Casual Pizza, but stay tuned - The Party Pizza is on the way tomorrow!

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