Sallie's Kitchen Corner


Not Just for Tuesday

It’s always a good night for Taco Lasagna. It’s comfort food on a rainy day, (we know a little bit about that!) celebration food for a party, fun food for casual potluck, and an easy meal for a hectic week and a harried cook. Plus – no one will ever say, “I don’t like Taco Lasagna”. …

Chocolate love - In a Flash!

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You still have time! In the next ten minutes you can craft a marvelous batch of homemade chocolates that say “I love you” better than any cards or flowers. This treat will absolutely not celebrate the commercialism that has become Valentine’s Day but instead your own creativity and the delightful idea of giving something you made to people you love. …

Wintertime Vegetables

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Does it sometimes seem like vegetables are sort of lackluster in the winter? Even with fresh produce in the stores all the time now, the same old things tend to pop up on our dinner table. Maybe it’s the lure of the beautiful summertime farmers’ markets, but veggies are just more exciting when the world is a little warmer and sunnier. …

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