Sallie's Kitchen Corner


When There is Not a Crowd for Dinner...

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My darling friend Anne, who says she can’t cook, always manages to send me the most delightful recipes that she has indeed cooked and usually with a creative twist. This recipe for a Peach Crisp for One or Twenty comes at a perfect time. …

Just One More…

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Maybe I’m posting too many fig recipes, but let’s face it – this has been a terrible summer in our part of the world for tomatoes and squash. The deer ate the okra and a few days ago I saw a squirrel sitting in the garden clutching a small eggplant. …

Backyard Dessert

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We just got back from a trip where we were able to sample lots of different local fruits but nothing was as thrilling as getting home and discovering that the figs on the backyard tree were finally ripe. The first time I saw a fig tree was in Memphis when I was in college. …

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