My Cheatin' Rolls

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I know my mother will be reading this, so I want to give her full credit for teaching me to make beautiful and delicious yeast rolls, but truthfully I don’t always have time. This simple little trick can be a lifesaver, particularly this time of year. In all likelihood you have already planned a perfect Thanksgiving. Undoubtedly it has involved at least some of the following – trips – either multiple times to the grocery store to cook Thanksgiving dinner – or your assigned part of dinner - or trips to be with family or friends. Planning – reservations on planes or at restaurants or guest lists. And finally organizing – we all know someone has to be in charge. Wherever you may fall in that line-up these Buttery Herbed Rolls will be a time saver for dinner or a delightful little serving vessel for leftover or freshly baked turkey or ham. Best of all – it all starts with frozen bread dough that you transform in a snap into your own homemade rolls. Here’s the plan. I always keep frozen bread dough in my freezer. It’s useful for lots of things like Taco Pizza in my first cookbook, cinnamon rolls, that can be another blog, and these beautiful dinner rolls perfect for the holidays.

Take a loaf of frozen bread out of the freezer and leave it on a piece of waxed paper to thaw. It takes a couple of hours and it can sit for a long time if necessary so I just go about my business, When the dough is mostly thawed, I cut it down the middle and then crosswise into 14 pieces. I guess you could cut 16 and have smaller rolls, but 14 seems to be my magic number. In a small bowl, melt ½ stick of butter in the microwave and stir in about 1 Tbsp each of fresh thyme and rosemary. I would like to say I picked those herbs because they are so holiday perfect, but actually they are the ones that usually grow most of the year in my garden. If you don’t grow them, they can be found in pots at the grocery story and make a nice windowsill addition to your kitchen. Add cracked pepper and a pinch of salt – about ½ tsp each to the butter. Spray a pan with cooking spray, add rolls, and pour the butter mixture over. I like to cover them with a towel and let them sit while the oven preheats. Let them bake about 20 minutes until they are browned outside and soft in the middle. You may be forced to test one and make sure – I always am (wink wink).

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You’ll love these Buttery Herbed Rolls whether they make the holiday table or just a make a weeknight meal special. A Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I am thankful for so many things but especially for my friends and family who bring me joy every single day. I am truly grateful. Blessings to all.

Buttery Herbed Rolls

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1 roll of frozen bread dough

½ stick butter, melted

1 Tbsp chopped rosemary

1 Tbsp chopped sage

½ tsp cracked pepper

½ tsp coarse salt


Thaw bread dough on a piece of waxed paper – it takes about 2 hours.

Cut in half length-wise and then across into 14 pieces.

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Spray a cake pan with cooking spray and place rolls in the pan.

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Mix butter with herbs, salt and pepper and pour over the rolls.

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Cover and let rise while the oven preheats to 400 degrees.

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Bake about 20 minutes until browned on the outside and soft in the middle.


© Deer One Publishing 2021